Happy New Year! For many of us, the new year is an exciting time as it opens the possibilities for new beginnings. We are ready for change and to begin our new year’s resolutions. I invite you to be kind to yourself over the next few weeks as you begin to implement your resolutions. If you feel like you fail at them at any time, no worries, just regroup and start over. Don’t be afraid to reevaluate your goals and break them down into small achievable steps. Often the things we are committed to changing are not so easy as they are deeply engrained within us. It takes time and patience to change. What’s important is you don’t give up on yourself and don’t put yourself down. Embrace your failures, learn from them, and turn them into success. With practice, you can achieve anything.
We are excited for the coming year as we are expanding our offerings for you with your whole health and wellness in mind. We will be bring monthly Ayurveda educational workshops, seasonal retreats, cooking classes, and more!
Our first gift to you this year is our NEW 365 days of Jen Zen Living Ayurveda and Yoga blog. Each day we will bring you a new topic or inspiration that will include seasonal Ayurveda tips, yoga philosophy and practices, healthy recipes and so much more!
By following us daily, you will learn the key concepts of Ayurveda to begin to take control of your health and wellness in a holistic way.
"Please keep in mind, this is a lofty goal for myself committing to writing everyday. But it has been on my list for years and I feel I am at a point in my life where I can get it done. But with that said, life happens sometimes. So please forgive me if I miss a day or two." Jennifer

Ayurveda Tip# 1: Get out in nature every day of the year! I know it can be hard, especially this time of year as we move into the coldest months of the year. By getting out in nature everyday, we begin to observe and feel Mother Nature and the 5 Great elements that naturally draws us into balance.
If better health and wellness is one of your resolutions for 2023, we invite you to join us for our Foundations of Ayurveda series that starts today. This is an eight week workshop that can be done in your own time.
We invite you to comment sharing your experiences along your health journey.
With love, light and Namaste,